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Graduate Exit Seminar
agronomic soil properties and an index of overall soil quality was calculated for each site. ...
OARDC Impact Archive
the risk of allergic reactions. On-Field Ohio: Rewriting Ohio’s Phosphorus Risk Index Ohio ... Conservation Service Ohio Phosphorus (P) Risk Index to be more precise in predicting the risk of phosphorus ...
SENR Special Seminar
heather moorlands. We adapted the Composite Burn Index to assess the severity of wildfires that burnt in ...
Dairy Ration Modifications During Heat Stress
when the temperature-humidity index exceeds 68 so this current spell of hot weather can definitely have ...
Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza in the Midwest for the Second Year in a Row
virus that caused the outbreak in 2015. The index case suffered from high mortality which prompted the ... testing and the detection of the virus. The index primes was quarantined and a 10 km (6 miles) ... genetically related to the original index case virus. However, the newly detected cases were NOT of the Highly ...
Climate Change Will Threaten Fish by Drying Out Southwest U.S. Streams, Study Predicts
dry patches. Piecing data from all of those nodes together, the researchers established an index of ... months. “The index decreases that are predicted by the model will affect spawning the most,” said ...
Farmland Rental and Lease Considerations The reported cash rent value is an average of responses received. Do not use this value as the ...
Graduate Research at the University of Toledo The University of Toledo is an Equal Access, Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer and ...
Olivia Smith Graduate Defense Seminar
early-successional woody habitat, and summer interspersion juxtaposition index of early-successional herbaceous ...
OCVN Strategic Planning Meeting
a growing number of such programs in the US. ( As the program continues to gain ...