
Search results

  1. New Grant Focuses on Nutrient Management, Cleaner Lake Erie Water

    their farms, including the Phosphorus Index calculation, which helps them identify fields with a high ... phosphorus index and other water quality risk tools, in order to develop more user-friendly means for growers ...

  2. Chow Line: No need to spend a fortune to eat right (for 10/10/10)

    "Alternative Healthy Eating Index" (AHEI) that is similar to but more stringent than the U.S. Department ... of Agriculture's Healthy Eating Index, which measures how closely a person follows the Dietary ...

  3. Drought Web Site Provides Management Information

    Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Drought Severity Index map and resource guide to other ...

  4. Biosecurity Fact Sheets Available on OSU Internet Site

    said. The fact sheets can be found online at ...

  5. Columbus 4-H Camps Focus on Pets, Robots Martha Filipic Sally McClaskey True False False True False False False False False False False ...

  6. Some Ohio Cornfields May Be at Risk for Stewart's Wilt

    and spread by adult flea beetles. According to the flea beetle index, southern Ohio may be at moderate ... growers to exercise caution when relying solely on the flea beetle index due to the atypical weather ...

  7. OSU Expert: Warm Winter Brings Severe Threat of Corn Flea Beetle and Increased Potential for Stewart’s Bacterial Wilt

    during mild winters than during cold winters, Hammond said. Using a “flea beetle index” that calculates ... threat, OSU Extension researchers have found that all areas of the state have indexes above 100, ...

  8. Green Industry Event Showcases Latest in Research and Technology

    information or to register, log on to, or call (419) 354-6916. ...

  9. Family Fundamentals: Know how new credit card rules might affect you (for March 2010)

    the interest rate on your card is variable and tied to an index, then you won't get a notice ... before your rate increases: If the index goes up, then so will your rate. Or, if you're paying ...

  10. Stewart's Bacterial Leaf Blight Predicted Severe This Year

    beetle index exceeding 100. "That would put the prediction into the severe area," said Lipps. ... during these years that the flea beetle index also exceeded 100. "Based on our knowledge of past ... lower than normal last year," said Welty. "Although the temperature-based flea beetle index ...
