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Producers Still Need to Watch for Heat Stress Signs in Livestock
of Ohio, with heat index values reaching upwards of 109 in many areas, meteorologists said. For ... based on a temperature-humidity index, which increases as the temperature and humidity increase. The ... danger level is indicated by an index value of 79, which is reached in various combinations of ...
Low Risk of Stewart's Disease on Corn Predicted
carried and spread by adult flea beetles. Based on the flea beetle index, conducted by Ohio State ... beetle index is calculated as the sum of the average temperatures of December, January and February. ... Index values less than 90 indicate a negligible disease threat, 90-95 indicates low to moderate levels, ...
Stewart's Wilt Risk Low for Ohio's Corn
carried and spread by adult flea beetles. Based on the flea beetle index, conducted by Ohio State ... to have a low to moderate threat. The flea beetle index is calculated as the sum of the average ... temperatures of December, January and February. Index values less than 90 indicate a negligible disease threat, ...
New Precision Agriculture Device Provides Clues to Crop Health
overall plant volume. The sensor, which measures the growth rate index, is calibrated to store normal ... plant may have a growth index of 50, but say a farmer has a particular area where the index of growth ...
Southern Ohio Corn May be at Risk for Stewart's Wilt
and spread by adult flea beetles. Based on the flea beetle index, conducted by Ohio State University ... flea beetle index is calculated as the sum of the average temperatures of December, January and ... February. Index values less than 90 indicate a negligible disease threat, 90-95 indicates low to moderate ...
Ohio Corn Performance Test Sampled for Nematodes
Hi-Bred, a DuPont company, he said. “The lab results provided populations and a risk index for ... quantities. “With the exception of one sample from the Beloit location in Mahoning County, the risk index for ...
Smart Stuff with Twig Walkingstick: Mountains Into Molehills (for the Week of Oct. 7, 2007) At last count, 456 Appalachian mountains have been, for lack of a blander word, beheaded in this ...; and by David W. Orr, Oberlin College, Ohio, in American Scientist, http ...
How to Stop Algal Blooms, Keep Drinking Water Safe
revise Ohio’s Phosphorus Risk Index. Farmers use the index to plan their fertilizer applications. Steve ...
Water Heating
heater. 20 R-Value An index to measure the water storage tank’s ability to resist heat loss. A higher ...
Ohio State University Extension to Host Garden Design Workshop, or contact horticulturist Becky McCann with the OSU Extension ABE Center at (419) 354-6916, or ...