
Search results

  1. Nutrient Management Plan (NRCS 590)

    harvested. While ideally, risk indexes should be calculated on all fields to evaluate for the potential loss ... Critical Resource Concerns). For P concerns: The phosphorus risk tool is the Ohio P Risk Index. Fields with ... N Risk Index. Nitrogen concerns exist where highly leachable soil types and tiled fields have a greater ...

  2. Published Research

    vegetation index and fractional green canopy cover. Crop, Forage, and Turfgrass Management. 4:180026. ...

  3. Amending Soils with Lime or Gypsum (NRCS 333)

    production or when the field phosphorus index rates high or very high. One field experiment in Ohio measured ...

  4. Soybean Cyst Nematode Resistance

    standard protocol. Female index. The female index of each soybean variety was measured. The female index is ... of results. A female index <10 is considered resistant, 10-30 is considered moderately resistant, ... varieties with a female index rating up to 50 will yield more than varieties with a higher (more ...

  5. Citizen Science for Continuing Education

    a registration form! Go to for more details! Still have questions? ...

  6. Soil Test P value between 50 PPM and 120 PPM (or "Moderate" P Loss Risk Assessment)

    Soil test phosphorus (STP) is a good indicator for the potential risk of phosphorus movement at the edge-of-field into downstream waters. STP is a quick and widely available measure that can be used to identify field level P loss risk potential. Actual me ...

  7. Soil Test P value greater than 120 PPM (or P Risk Assessment of "High" to "Very High")

    Soil test phosphorus (STP) is a good indicator for the potential risk of phosphorus movement at the edge-of-field into downstream waters. STP is a quick and widely available measure that can be used to identify field level P loss risk potential. Actual me ...

  8. Soil Test P value less than 50 PPM (or "Lower" P Risk Assessment)

    A soil test that includes a value for Soil Test Phosphorus (STP) is useful to discuss both the risk of yield loss in crop management and as an indicator for risk of environmental loss of P. In crop management, fields with an STP level of less than 20 PPM ...

  9. Nitrogen Recommendations When Organic N is Used

    Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) can be used to evaluate plant nitrogen needs and limit over- or ...

  10. Estimating Wheat Yield With Stem Counts and Fractional Green Canopy Cover

    2018. Estimating wheat yield with normalized difference vegetation index and fractional green canopy ...
