Meat Science Teaching History
Dr. L. E. Kunkle prepared a "History and Development of Meat Teaching at Ohio State University". Link here (pdf)
P. G. Althouse Endowment Fund for the OSU Meat Judging Team
The 53rd RMC Host Committee lost a valuable member with the death of Paul (P.G.) Althouse on April 12, 1999. For over 30 years, Paul was the Ohio State University Meat Laboratory manager, meat science course instructor, and coach of the OSU Meat Judging Team. In late January, Paul was diagnosed with inoperable brain cancer and later, with cancer of his spine, and esophogus. He had received radiation and chemotherapy treatments prior to his death. There are a lot of people who knew "Mr. Wonderful", who miss that friendly smile, his ability to make everyone he met feel so special, and the sound of his whistling. Before his death, Paul chose the OSU Meat Judging Team as a recipient of memorial contributions. The P. G. Althouse Endowment Fund for the OSU Meat Judging Team has been established in memory of Paul and in recognition of his contributions to so many OSU students.
The Paul G. Althouse Endowment Fund. Fund Number 640120
For more information:
Dr. Lynn Knipe
327 Parker Food Science and Technology Building
The Ohio State University
2015 Fyffe Road
Columbus, OH 43210